Automotive Defense Specialists Announces New Post Alerting the SMOG Community About Bureau of Automotive Repair Undercover Cars

Bureau of Automotive Repair Undercover Cars

Automotive Defense Specialists is announcing a new Post about Bureau of Automotive Repair 'undercover cars' and the threats posed to hard-working auto technicians and repair shops. While the Bureau can and should enforce the laws of California, some feel that the undercover cars are a step too far in the battle against SMOG.

Automotive Defense Specialists, a legal team of professional attorneys defending SMOG technicians and repair shops at, is proud to announce an informational blog post on the controversial topic of undercover cars. So-called "undercover cars" are used by California's Bureau of Automotive Repair in a controversial attempt to verify compliance with SMOG regulations in the Golden State.

"Losing a STAR certification or license to be a SMOG-check shop can be a slow process, and it can start with a visit from an undercover car," explained attorney William Ferreira of Automotive Defense Specialists. "A citation or accusation letter arrives, a court date set, then the shop owner shows up alone and finds out BAR lawyers have larger plans than a slap on the wrist. Instead of walking into court alone, technicians should reach out to an auto defense attorney for assistance."

SMOG shop owners and technicians can review the new post by Automotive Defense Attorneys at Interested parties can review more details about the so-called "Bureau of Automotive Repair Trap Cars" at the following informational post SMOG technicians embroiled in a Bureau of Automotive Repair action can reach out for help from a team of highly-skilled SMOG shop defense attorneys.


Here is the background for the release. Many SMOG shops get in trouble when Bureau of Automotive Repair undercover cars arrive at the stations. Technicians might not realize the vehicle can unintentionally ensnare the SMOG shop in a court battle for the life of the business. A California SMOG technician can go through a long process of training, testing, and certification before passing the state exam. After all the requirements are complete, a technician might be ready to work. The time it requires to begin a SMOG career or obtain the necessary license can be lengthy. The time it can take to lose a certification, however, can happen quickly. A well-trained SMOG testing expert might not be aware of the telltale signs.

It can be helpful to learn the Bureau of Automotive Repair undercover cars can be the first step in losing a hard-earned license or certification. The process for dealing with a citation or accusation can slowly escalate until a SMOG testing business is shut down. Violation letters, court dates, and discussions with state attorneys can add up to a day in court. A technician representing themselves might realize they are in hot water after it's too late.

For these reasons, Automotive Defense Attorneys have announced a new informational blog post on the controversial topic of undercover cars sent out by the Bureau of Automotive Repair. If a Bureau of Automotive Repair undercover car is the reason for a day in court, speaking to an expert defense attorney could be the right answer to protecting a valued smog testing business.


Automotive Defense Specialists is a top law firm representing auto repair facilities, SMOG check stations, and technicians in every facet of their legal needs including Bureau of Automotive Repair letters, citations, and invalidations. The company offers phone consultations to auto shops, mechanics, technicians and others who are facing disciplinary actions from the California Bureau of Automotive Repair.


Tel. (415) 392-2886

Source: Automotive Defense Specialists
