Automotive Defense Specialists is a team of defense lawyers who defend clients against California's Bureau of Automotive Repair. The law firm is announcing a new post on why affected parties might benefit from an attorney to appeal or dispute a decision.
SANTA CLARA, Calif., June 30, 2019 (Newswire.com) - Automotive Defense Specialists, one of the top teams of defense attorneys who defend station owners and technicians against California's Bureau of Automotive Repair, is proud to announce a new blog post about how and why an attorney should be considered to appeal or dispute a decision by the Bureau of Automotive Defense. Many station owners and technicians can be overwhelmed when coming up against the seasoned attorneys paid for by the State during any dispute.
"The reality is that the State has seasoned, professional attorneys for the process every step of the way but the average technician or station owner does not," explains attorney William Ferreira of Automotive Defense Specialists. "Should a decision go against the station owner or technician, they may strongly benefit from having a defense attorney on their side to dispute or even appeal a decision."
Interested persons can read the blog post in its entirety at https://automotivedefense.com/2019/04/07/learn-from-your-mistakes-and-get-an-attorney-when-appealing-a-decision-with-the-bureau-of-automotive-repair/. The post explains that losing a decision while not good, isn't the end of the world. That is yet another crucial juncture to reach out and find a good attorney who has experienced vis-a-vis the Bureau of Automotive Repair to evaluate all options such as how to dispute or even appeal a decision. Persons who are at an earlier stage such as a citation can also visit the website at https://automotivedefense.com/ and then reach out for an attorney consultation. Only a trained attorney can look at the facts and know the laws and regulations to work with a client to create a plan of action, as no two situations are exactly alike. Indeed, the sad reality is that many technicians and/or station owners may wait too long and start the process alone without attorney support, only to lose a decision, and then turn to an attorney for a further dispute or appeal. The smarter decision when facing a citation or just receiving a letter from the Bureau of Automotive Repair is to reach out to an attorney at that first moment.
Here is the background for this release. Many SMOG check stations, STAR Program participants, and even just technicians in California's busy SMOG check industry face regulatory scrutiny every day. The Bureau of Automotive Repair is charged with regulating and enforcing the industry; their team of investigators and lawyers take this mandate very seriously and often are quite aggressive vis-a-vis hard-working technicians and station owners. Mistakes happen (on both sides), and these can escalate into letters, citations, and even what are called "invalidations." A station technician and/or owner can lose his or her license and thus his or her livelihood. The first step is often a more informal response, but even here missteps can happen. Should that occur, then a negative decision can be reached against a SMOG station or technician. Should an appeal be attempted? Is there a way to dispute a decision? Here, as the new blog post explains, a seasoned attorney is a good decision. After all, the regulations and laws are arcane and difficult for the average lay person to understand, let alone dispute. For these reasons, Automotive Defense Specialist is proud to announce this new, important post for the industry. Interested persons should read it, and then reach out (if necessary) to find a defense attorney to protect their rights.
Automotive Defense Specialists (https://automotivedefense.com/) is a top law firm representing auto repair facilities, SMOG check stations, and technicians in every facet of their legal needs including Bureau of Automotive Repair letters, citations, and invalidations. The company offers phone consultations to auto shops, mechanics, technicians and others who are facing disciplinary actions from the California Bureau of Automotive Repair.
Tel. (415) 392-2886
Source: Automotive Defense Specialists