Automotive Defense Specialists is a team of lawyers who represent the SMOG community against the Bureau of Automotive Repair. The law firm is announcing a new post on fighting the Bureau with the help of an attorney.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 31, 2020 (Newswire.com) - Automotive Defense Specialists, a legal team of highly-trained defense attorneys representing SMOG shops, station owners, and technicians in the auto repair industry at https://automotivedefense.com, is proud to announce a new post on fighting the Bureau of Automotive Repair. Unfortunately, many SMOG technicians, auto repair shops, and SMOG station owners are intimidated when facing a citation or action from the Bureau of Automotive Repair. The new post explains the importance of hiring an attorney to handle any dispute that may originate with the California regulatory agency.
"Many station owners and technicians are intimidated by any type of formal notice from the State of California," explained attorney William Ferreira of Automotive Defense Specialists. "Our new post explains the importance of hiring legal counsel when one wants to dispute an action by the California Bureau of Automotive Repair."
Station owners and SMOG technicians can review the newly updated post at https://automotivedefense.com/2020/07/27/fighting-the-bar. The post explains that the employees of the Bureau of Automotive Repair are not bad people. But they can be zealous in what they see as enforcing California’s draconian SMOG laws against SMOG technicians, SMOG shops, and Auto Repair Facilities. That is why any person or company receiving an official notice from them may need a Bureau of Automotive Repair attorney on their side. Going it alone might be cheaper in the short run, but, as the post explains, it can be quite costly in the long run.
Here is the background on this release. California has the most aggressive SMOG regulations in the country. This is a historic fact which grew out of the state's car culture coupled with its unique climate. This Bureau now aggressively enforces a byzantine system of rules and regulations and in many cases may be very aggressive vis-a-vis a technician, SMOG station, auto repair shop. As the post explains, they may be tempted to "go it alone," but in so doing my risk losing their license or facing a heavy fine. A better course of action is to work with a trained attorney who understands the law and can represent one's rights.
Automotive Repair Specialists is a top law firm of Bureau of Automotive Repair defense attorneys. The firm represents auto repair facilities, SMOG check stations, and technicians in every facet of their legal needs, including accusations from the Bureau of Auto Repair, STAR license invalidations, and STAR invalidation appeals. Contacting a top auto defense lawyer and consulting with attorneys after initial contact can provide the best strategy for fighting back.
Source: Automotive Defense Specialists