Automotive Defense Specialists is a team of attorneys supporting California auto repair and SMOG check shops. The legal firm is announcing a new post for auto repair shops looking to leverage the services of a defense attorney
SAN FRANCISCO, December 18, 2020 (Newswire.com) - Automotive Defense Specialists, a professional team of lawyers prepared to defend auto repair and SMOG shops against California's Bureau of Automotive Repair, is proud to announce a new post helping small business owners know their rights, including the right to a forceful defense attorney against any state agency. "SMOG," of course, stands for the combination of smoke and fog endemic to Los Angeles. The post explains the importance of finding a top defense attorney against the Bureau of Automotive Repair.
"Right now, there are several threats to small businesses due to the California lockdown. Auto repair and SMOG check shops from Los Angeles to San Francisco and everywhere between have the added fear of receiving a violation letter from the Bureau of Automotive Repair," explained attorney William Ferreira of Automotive Defense Specialists. "Our new post provides details about how to fight back and cut through the red tape by considering a defense attorney."
Auto repair shop owners and SMOG technicians can review the new Automotive Defense Specialists post at https://automotivedefense.com/2020/11/07/what-is-the-first-thing-to-do-if-you-receive-a-notification-from-californias-bureau-of-automotive-repair. The newsworthy post explains the first thing to do after the receipt of a STAR violation or SMOG citation letter. Even a simple letter from the state regulatory agency can create confusion and frustration for a hard-working technician or business owner.
Contacting a Bureau of Automotive Repair defense attorney can clear up misunderstandings and help keep auto technicians and repair shops working. Everyone is entitled to a vigorous defense under California law, and considering a defense lawyer is a smart step. Interested persons can review the professional background of auto defense attorney William Ferreira at https://automotivedefense.com/about.
Here is the background for this release. Rules and restrictions for proper safety guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic can frequently change in California. The pressure to comply might leave a small business owner stressed and checking for new rule changes often. For these reasons, Automotive Defense Specialists is proud to announce a new and newsworthy post about the first thing a SMOG tech can do to help clear up any action from the state agency, including - if necessary - working with a defense lawyer.
Automotive Defense Specialists (https://automotivedefense.com) is a top law firm representing auto repair facilities, SMOG check stations, and technicians in every facet of their legal needs, including Bureau of Automotive Repair letters, citations, and invalidations. The company offers phone consultations to auto shops, mechanics, technicians, and others who are facing disciplinary actions from the California Bureau of Automotive Repair.
Tel. (415) 392-2886
Source: Automotive Defense Specialists