Automotive Defense Specialists, Top Defense Lawyers for Bureau of Automotive Repair Invalidation Issues, Announces New Post on Response Tactics

Bureau of Automotive Repair Invalidation, Defense Lawyer

Automotive Defense Specialists, a law firm with defense lawyers for fighting Bureau of Automotive Repair invalidations, has announced a new post to their blog on the value of formal responses. The law firm uses its lively blog to keep the community up-to-date.

Automotive Defense Specialists, top defense lawyers for SMOG stations and auto repair shops including participants in California's STAR program, is proud to announce a new blog post on the importance of formal responses. The new post explains that if a STAR station or technician confronts a Bureau of Automotive Repair invalidation, the right response can be a formal one. A defense lawyer can help.

"There's an unspoken idea that BAR letters, citations, or invalidations can be dealt with informally, and it's not a big deal," explained attorney William Ferreira of Automotive Defense Specialists. "However, we want to remind station owners and technicians that their license status and livelihood can be threatened by Bureau of Automotive Repair administrative actions, so these issues should not be taken lightly or informally. A defense lawyer can assist with dotting the i's and crossing the t's as necessary."

Automotive Defense Specialists, a law firm with defense lawyers for fighting Bureau of Automotive Repair invalidations, has announced a new post to their blog on the value of formal responses. The law firm uses its lively blog to keep the community up-to-date.

William Ferreira, Founder

To read the new post about defending against a Bureau of Automotive Repair invalidation, visit SMOG shop owners, STAR program participants, certified technicians and auto shop managers may need to consider planning for a hearing date against the Bureau of Automotive Repair. Handling a letter, citation, accusation, or invalidation on one's own could be a tragic mistake, threatening the loss of one's license. To learn more about Bureau of Automotive Repair attorney services, visit

Leveraging a Defense Lawyer at a Bureau of Automotive Repair Invalidation Hearing

California is known for its informal culture, yet — as the blog post explains — one should not confuse formality and informality vis-a-vis a situation as grave as a threat to one's SMOG station or STAR Program status. If an auto shop has received a Bureau of Automotive Repair invalidation, an "informal Californian" might conclude that an informal response is sufficient. On the day of the hearing, however, a shop owner could find the legal jargon more difficult to decipher than earlier believed. A defendant may also realize the legal consequences could be more dire than expected, but only when it is "too late."

For these reasons, Automotive Defense Specialists, top attorneys for SMOG stations and auto shop owners participating in California's STAR Program, has released a new blog post. Bringing an educated and skilled defense lawyer to the hearing date can help save a STAR program certification and clear up other accusations from California's Bureau of Automotive Repair.

About Automotive Repair Specialists

Automotive Repair Specialists is a top law firm representing auto repair facilities, SMOG check stations, and technicians in every facet of their legal needs including Bureau of Automotive Repair letters. The company offers free phone consultations to auto shops, mechanics, technicians and others who are facing disciplinary actions from the California Bureau of Automotive Repair.


Tel. (415) 392-2886

Source: Automotive Defense Specialists
