Leading Employee Uniform Supplier, Uniform Solutions, Announces New Post on Employee Uniform Ideas and When It's Time for a 'Uniform Facelift'

Employee Uniform Supplier, Uniform Solutions

Uniform Solutions is a site dedicated to employee uniform ideas for the hospitality, business and medical industries. The company is announcing a new food-for-thought post to help managers decide if it's time to look at new staff uniforms.

​​Uniform Solutions, a leading uniform supplier with a unique model providing employee uniform ideas online, is proud to announce a new blog post that gives "food for thought" to busy managers and owners. The post explains that long-standing businesses can run the risk of looking ‘dated' over time, that employees could be in the same style of uniform from decades past, and that it might be the moment to rethink a property's image.

"When you're busy, time flies, especially if you own a popular restaurant or hotel," explained Bruce Bagley, Manager of Uniform Solutions. "Sometimes employees forget it's important to pay attention to their appearance. This is especially true for a hotel or restaurant. If décor and uniforms begin to look outdated, it may be time to consider an update to the employee uniforms and start the process with brainstorming of new employee uniform ideas."

Managers and owners of long-time businesses can read the new blog post by Uniform Solutions at http://www.uniformsolutionsforyou.com/if-you-have-had-your-staff-in-the-same-uniforms-for-years-they-may-look-outdated. Outdated staff clothing can give a restaurant or hotel a tired, old image. Business owners may not realize specific trends have passed. New employee uniforms could please long-time patrons and attract new customers. Interested parties are also encouraged to review the link for uniform ideas in the hotel industry at http://www.uniformsolutionsforyou.com/hotel-uniforms.    


Here is the background for this release. Established businesses might rely on a loyal following to stay in the black. Patrons can appreciate the consistency in customer service and amenities of a tried-and-true restaurant, yet notice the signs of wear and tear. Dated furniture and shabby-looking staff can be a turn off to new and older customers. If a hotel has staff dressed in the same outfits since the Grand Opening ten years ago, it may be time to search for new employee uniform ideas.

In the hospitality business, there can be a distinct difference between "retro" and "passe" in terms of design. A new diner sporting a 1950s vibe can be considered nostalgic and fun to customers, while a thirty-year-old diner with cracked leather and staff in dated uniforms can send a negative message. Managers may decide to welcome guests back by giving a tired old image a facelift.

For these reasons, Uniform Solutions has announced a post about using employee uniform ideas to renew a long-term business. New waiter uniforms, front desk suits, and chef's whites could be the right improvement to spark attention from new customers. A simple, affordable change in employee uniforms can rejuvenate a brand and impress guests.


Uniform Solutions for You is a division of Santa Rosa Uniform & Career Apparel, Inc. The division focuses on online sales of employee uniforms in key industries: restaurant, hotel, and casino. The website has a unique consultation request feature, wherein interested parties can reach out to a human uniform idea consultant to brainstorm employee uniform ideas. Casino and restaurant employee uniforms are included.

Uniform Solutions for You


Source: Uniform Solutions
