New York's Rolex Repair Leader Ron Gordon Watch Repair Announces Post on New Rolex Innovations

Ron Gordon Watch Repair

The blog posts discusses the innovations and has links to other websites with additional information. Its purpose is to highlight the constant technological innovations coming from Rolex and to draw attention to the brand among the watch cognoscenti in New York City.

Ron Gordon Watch Repair, New York City’s top watch repair for Rolex watches, is proud to announce a new blog post on recent innovations from Rolex with respect to mechanical movements.

“Rolex watches, like all luxury Swiss watches, are mechanical,” explained Ron Gordon, proprietor of Ron Gordon Watch Repair. “That doesn’t stop Rolex from innovation, however. In our current blog, I call attention to innovations surrounding the so-called ‘Caliber 3235,’ which is a technological innovation by Rolex in the area of mechanical movements.”

To read the new blog post, visit The blog post discusses the innovations and has links to other websites with additional information. Its purpose is to highlight the constant technological innovations coming from Rolex and to draw attention to the brand among the watch cognoscenti in New York City. No brand announces that one has “made it” quite like a Rolex and yet the blog post concludes by drawing attention to the growing interest in so-called “vintage Rolex watches.” Many vintage or older Rolex watches end up being brought into Ron Gordon Watch Repair for inspection, tune-ups and even repairs. Persons who are passionate about the brand should first read the blog post and then if they are lucky enough to own a Rolex, peruse the information page on Rolex watch repair in New York at

Any persons with an older Rolex or a Rolex that seems to be functioning “subpar” is encouraged to contact Ron Gordon and set up a preliminary inspection and estimate. There is no greater tragedy, explains Mr. Gordon, than for a Rolex watch to sit in a drawer in a non-functional way rather than being worn on someone’s wrist, thus, showcasing this powerhouse of functionality and beauty.


Here is background on this release. Measured by sheer quantity, Rolex is the most common brand brought into Ron Gordon Watch Repair for inspections or repairs. Rolex no doubt has the highest brand recognition among watch lovers and is certainly the most important luxury watch brand as measured by sheer popularity. Many consumers and those new to the passion of watches mistakenly assume that Rolex is only about style or flash when the company has a storied history of technological leadership. The post explains one new facet of that leadership: innovation when it comes to mechanical movements as announced in 2015. The post further explains that Rolex owns no fewer than 14 patents to protect Caliber 3135. Finally, the post touches on the mesmerizing aspect of how the watch is self-winding. Indeed, efficiency is so optimized that a watch can survive from Friday to Monday without being worn, making the brand perfect for those who want to “dress up” during the week and “dress down” during the weekend.

Finally, the post concludes by encouraging those who own older Rolex watches to come into the shop for an inspection, tune-up and possible repair. While such activities do involve a fee, anyone who owns a Rolex does him or herself a disservice if the watch sits, unfunctioning, in a drawer. Beauty, after all, demands to be experienced.


Ron Gordon Watch Repair is conveniently located at 280 Madison Avenue at 40th Street in Midtown Manhattan, New York City. The company specializes in the service and repair of high-quality, luxury watches, both modern and vintage, and repairs watches for those who wear the very best brands. The expert and namesake is Ron Gordon.

Ron Gordon Watch Repair
Tel. 212-896-8999

Source: Ron Gordon Watch Repiar
