Password Book on Internet Security Tops Fifteen Reviews on Amazon Announces JM Internet Group

Password Book

The JM Internet Group publishes easy-to-understand books on technology topics. The company's latest book is The Password Book.

 The JM Internet Group, a leader in online internet marketing training in SEO, AdWords, and Social Media Marketing, is excited to announce that the company’s latest book, "The Password Book," has topped 15 reviews on Amazon in less than a week. Review copies of the book are still available at no charge to interested users. The book is an explanation of easy internet security for the average user, starting with passwords but, continuing on into scam prevention and steps to upgrade the security of email and bank accounts.

“The response to The Password Book has been nothing short of amazing,” explained Jason McDonald, Director of the JM Internet Group. “Our review program is off to a great start, now that we’ve topped 15 reviews on Amazon. Even better, the book is selling and people are recommending The Password Book to friends and family as an easy mechanism to upgrade their internet security.”

The Password Book is off to a great start with fifteen reviews on!

Jason McDonald, Director, JM Internet Group

To learn more about The Password Book visit To learn about book’s review program, visit Review copies are available in both print and Kindle. It should be noted that while this is a “review program,” participants are encouraged but not required to write a review of the book. At both locations, interested persons can learn more about the book, including reading a sample on With the Kindle version out for just 99 cents, the book is affordable in digital format to a wide readership. Zero-cost review copies remain available, but supplies are limited.


Recent events, such as the hacking of Equifax have reminded the general public about the need for security online. One of the most important steps to online security is having a more robust yet easy-to-remember password system for one’s personal passwords. To this end, The Password Book explains how to generate easy-to-remember yet hard-to-guess passwords for the general user. It also explains the psychology of scams so that the general user can be more aware of possible scam techniques. On a technological level, it explains how easy it is to spoof the US Caller ID system and it warns users to various scams such as “Trojan Horse” scams in which they are tricked into installing software on their phones or computers that looks innocuous but is actually a mechanism to take control and manipulate the device. Finally, like any password book, the book has a place to write down one’s passwords from “A” to “Z.”

It should be noted that the book finds a middle ground to internet security: not perfect, impenetrable security, which, while admirable, can be impossible for the average user, but also not a cavalier attitude towards passwords and other forms of Internet security. If most people just followed the simple advice set forward in the book, they would go a long way towards hardening their resilience against scammers and thieves online.


The JM Internet Group provides SEO, Social Media Marketing, and Google AdWords training and courses for busy marketers and businesspeople. Online search engine optimization training helps explain keywords, page tags, link building strategies and other techniques needed to climb to the top of search engine rankings for Google, Yahoo, and Bing. The teaching methodology is hands-on, with live examples and discussions, taught from the convenience of each student’s computer. It should be noted that the company maintains important book lists such as its list of the best SEO books at and the best social media marketing books at


Media Relations at 800-298-4065.

Source: JM Internet Group


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